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Unlock Yourself From Karma

  What you reap is what you sow. Every action is followed by an equal reaction. If you are aware of your choices you’ll understand the cause-effect process. The circular motion of the Cosmos reflects it self on our lives and actions. In order to generate...

Unlock Your Energy Flow

Abundance is the one thing in the world able to create prosperity. That seems to be the reason why people strive for more. How to get a better home, a faster car, a lovelier spouse, new clothes, healthier relationships, a trip around the world, and so on? Although...

Unlock Your Creative Consciousness

Success is often described and perceived as the opposite of Failure. What we usually miss to realize is the fact that the Self and the Ego are two separate entities focused on different priorities. When we focus our attention outwardly we interpret Success as winning....

“Here And Now” – Mindfulness 101

Mindfulness is all about HERE and NOW, the conscious state of being focused in the present moment. One of the top Mindfulness contemporary investigators happens to be my friend and family Vasco Gaspar. Lucky me! Certified by Google’s Search Inside Yourself program and...

The Keys To Mastery

Attentive repetition is the most effective way to build skill. The execution of the action is absolutely imperative and irreplaceable to build and maintain the expert level of proficiency. So, daily practice matters. A lot! But how much repetition is desirable, needed...

The Practice Process

1 – Listen to a song you like a few times. 2 – Start playing it. 3 – Focus on the score. 4 – Play and Sing the 1st phrase. 5 – Star over from the beginning. 6 – Add the next note and/or phrase. 7 – Replay it in your mind. 8 – Start again. 9 – At each try, add spirit,...