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Top Performers Strategies: 1 – Handling Mistakes

  After studying Top Performers at practice one can observe 5 different strategies used: 1 – Ability to handle mistakes; 2 – Maintenance and improvement; 3 – Focus on weaker areas of expertise; 4 – Mental resilience; 5 – Confidence strengthening. Let’s go through them...

3 – Varied Practice

Try multiple variations of the same exercise, weather in time, speed, rhythm, posture, fingering or anything it comes to mind. Real time performance implies unexpected stuff to happen. The perfect conditions to perform are only available in our heads so we should be...

2 – Random Practice

Re-order your topics and subjects in an interleaved fashion. This way you’ll prevent yourself from boredom and continuously trigger your brain to new things. In the long run switching randomly through subjects will improve your ability to acquire and retain the...

1 – Spaced Practice

Spaced Practice is the process of using small numbers of repetitions spaced several times through the course of a day, week or month. Think about it this way. You ask a foreign friend how to say “I Love You” in their language. Will you repeat the expression endlessly...