This book took 10 years of my life of listening, transcribing, learning, understanding, comparing, practicing, applying, and creating. In the end, Django's playing proves that technique is not as much about pure chops, but more about knowing what to play, how to play, and where to play it.
A compilation of more than 100 licks by Django Reinhardt and the Gypsy Jazz world-renowned players that came after him. Bireli Lagrene, Stochelo Rosenberg, and all great masters understood where Django was placing his notes, lines, and licks. This makes all the difference! More than just another lick book, “Lead Guitar Fundamentals – Burning Speed” is a guide to visualize the fretboard and to build speed (a.k.a naturalness, effortlessness, and confidence) in your playing.
Here are all the connections you need to know. Practical and theoretical, in a systematic, progressive approach. This is the Bible of Django Reinhardt's playing and the only book that shows you how Django played a specific phrase in comparison to the other Gypsy Jazz masters.
Here's the complete playlist of the Django Reinhardt Book Burning Speed videos: