SONGBOOK: "Rhythm Guitar Fundamentals Vol 1"
This book contains over 120 rock, pop and jazz songs in the most comprehensive and easy-to-read format. Forget about 8 songs books with endless repetitive bars and pages. Here you get the full song transcription in eye catching and ready to play chunks of information. Stop being lost in so many pages who disperse your attention, and focus on what you really want: To Play The Music!
The transcriptions presented in the RHYTHM GUITAR FUNDAMENTALS series used the original songs audio sources as the exclusive base of work.
This allowed the final result to be reliable, precise and trustworthy.
Following the title or song name there is an identification of the actual performer of the analysed and transcribed version of the song, not the original composer.
“Rhythm Guitar Fundamentals Vol 1”
This book contains +120 rock, pop and jazz songs in the most comprehensive and easy-to-read method. Forget about books with only 8 songs and endless repetitive bars and pages. Here you get the full song transcription in eye catching and ready to play chunks of information. Stop being lost in so many pages that disperse your attention, and focus on what you really want: To Play The Music!
The transcriptions presented in the RHYTHM GUITAR FUNDAMENTALS series used the original songs audio sources as the exclusive base of work.
This allowed the final result to be reliable, precise and trustworthy.
Following the title or song name there is an identification of the actual performer of the analysed and transcribed version of the song, not the original composer.
“Rhythm Guitar Fundamentals Vol 1”
Este livro contém +120 músicas de rock, pop e jazz num formato simples de ler. Esqueça os livros com apenas 8 músicas e páginas repetitivas e confusas. Neste livro pode obter a transcrição completa da música, com pautas objectivas e estruturadas por secções. Demasiadas páginas dispersam a atenção. Com este método pode concentrar-se no que realmente quer: tocar a música!
As transcrições apresentadas na série RHYTHM GUITAR FUNDAMENTALS foram construídas a partir das fontes áudio originais. Tal permite que o resultado final seja autêntico, preciso e confiável.
Em cada música é identificado o intérprete da versão analisada e transcrita, e não do compositor original.