I’ve been cleansing things that matter from things that don’t matter in my life. Just like cleaning a house , refreshing the Internet browser or organizing computer files in an external drive, there’s something liberating about focusing (and keeping...

VII – Embrace The Present

The past is water under the bridge. The future is a distant sun on the horizon of your imagination. The most important moment is now. Learn to live in the Present and savor it fully. Being engaged in a pursuit that truly challenges you is the surest route to personal...

VI – A Life Of Service

Ask yourself a question: What good deeds have you performed through the course of this day? The quality of your life will come down to the quality of your contribution. There’s an Ancient Chinese Proverb that goes like this: “A little bit of fragrance always...

V – Time as your most precious commodity

Remind yourself of your own mortality and the importance of living full, productive days while advancing your purposes. Time slips through our hands like grains of sand, never to return. Time mastery is life mastery! Learn to use time masterfully. Productive people...

IV – The Power Of Discipline

The virtue of self-discipline is like a wire cable. It consists of many thin, tiny wires placed one on top of the other. Alone, each one is flimsy and weak. But, together, their sum is much greater than their constituent parts and the cable becomes tougher than iron....